
Tree House Retreats are chances for healing and renewed connection with oneself and deepening spirituality. Retreats are held many times throughout the year, and each one features its own theme.

Mark Your Calendars!

2023 Retreats:








Testimonials from recent retreats

This weekend was truly a leap of faith.  A few weeks before the retreat, I felt a shift inside telling me to go to the retreat.  Months before, I’d decided that it was too much expense and too much time away from family.  I’d made up my mind not to attend.  I had all my logical reasons not to attend.  Then the shift inside me happened.  It was unexpected.  I felt a love for myself beckoning me to invest in my spiritual life.  So, I took the leap and listened to the voice inside and not my logical thinking mind.  My decision toIMG_20190728_143815861 listen to my small little voice brought many unexpected gifts.  The biggest gift was taking the leap to receive the love and healing that I’d longed for – for so long.  I got in touch with my feelings, dared to share and then the miracle!  I felt loved, supported, and healed.  A whole new world has opened up and I’m ready to share and embrace this whole new world, which awaits and calls to me.  Yes!!

Wow – who knew how much I needed to rekindle!  To allow the Holy Spirit to work through Sister Cecelia and team to heal through and shed another layer for God’s divine grace.  I will never look at a butterfly the same!  Just when I think I don’t need to heal anymore, God shows up – through Tree House and loves me at a whole other level.  Thank you Jesus!

Another big step in my continued journey to free my inner child and be who I am meant to be.  The love and support I IMG_20190727_115408354received this weekend is more valuable than gold.  I’m learning more and more to accept myself and to be grateful.  God does have a purpose for my life and I need to keep coming back to get another piece of my true self.  Thank you doesn’t seem good enough or grateful enough –but THANK YOU for another great retreat. And So it is!

During retreat there are always moments of grace that allow me to change and grow.